Home 9 Chronical pain 9 Mensen die meer willen zijn dan pijn

People who want to be more than pain have to work hard

That's not easy with a body that hurts.  
Als je een beter leven wilt ondanks je pijn moet je veel leren maar ook veel opgeven. Je moet veel  doen maar ook veel dingen laten. 

Het is net zoals bij TOP sport. Je hebt een trainer nodig maar ook supporters.

First of all, you have to accept that from now on, perhaps until the end of your life, pain will be a part of it.
You will have to accept your painful body….
You have to learn to deal with misunderstanding...
You will have to look for other hobbies
Sometimes people even lose their jobs and everything that was familiar to them changes!

it's smart to learn a little more about pain. How does pain affect other parts of your body and mind.
How does stress affect pain? More stress means more pain. That's why it's important to learn relaxation techniques.
And believe me, you can't learn that just by reading a book! More is needed for that. Only practice gives good results and it is wise to ask for help from a good therapist!

It is useful to know something about medication. What kind of medications do you use? When – why and for what purpose?
It is useful to know something about medication. What kind of medications do you use? When – why and for what purpose?
It is useful to know something about medication. What kind of medications do you use? When – why and for what purpose?

It is useful to know something about medication. What kind of medications do you use? When – why and for what purpose?

Keeping a pain diary can yield surprising results. Things written down often seem different from things you have in your head! Maybe you can discover what causes more pain so you can deal with it differently. That is difficult, demotivating and often discouraging.

Bij Pijn-Hoop weten we dat je als je pijn hebt die langer duurt dan normaal, of pijn die ondanks al je inspanningen niet stopt, je aan jezelf doet twijfelen. Je durft zelfs niet te lachen in  het openbaar, je gaat niet naar buiten, en je stopt met praten over je pijn, want niemand begrijpt het !
And so chronic pain becomes a lonely battle against pain and misunderstanding.

That is why it is so important that people with chronic pain are properly guided at the beginning and not at the end of a long medical history! That is also better for the doctors, the insurance companies and, above all, for yourself.

But we realize that no one can do all this without help!
Fellow sufferers can help each other en van elkaar leren !
Daarom moeten artsen hun patiënten vertellen over het bestaan van patiëntenorganisaties in het begin van  hun carrière als pijnpatiënt.
Patient organizations usually have much more information than doctors.
People who work there know the conditions from their own experience.
Therefore, dare to contact one of our employees!