Home 9 Chronical pain 9 Treatment options 9 A range of possibilities

A range of possibilities

Chronic pain does not have to be at the centre of your life. Focusing on other things can give the pain a different place. But what kinds of things do people with chronic pain do that make them feel the pain less? To answer that question, we give an overview from everyday practice. The activities below are what people with chronic pain do. We hope this will inspire others.


  • Bridge
  • Wordfeud
  • Social media
  • Contact group (chatten)
  • Make Sodoku 's
  • Edit photos
  • Reading
  • Puzzle
  • Keep a diary
  • Write your life story
  • Audiobooks
  • leading a discussion group
  • Gespreksgr oep leiden
  • genealogy research
stamboom als hobby voor chronische pijn


  • Knitting
  • crochet
  • Wool spinning
  • To weave
  • Handicrafts (Embroidery)
  • Encaustic art
  • Modelling
  • Woodwork
  • Candle making
  • Cards making
  • Painting
  • Diamond painting
  • photography
  • Edit photos
  • Cooking club
  • Dry flower painitng
  • Doll making
  • making straw figures


  • Singing
  • Playing an instrument
  • Taking music lessons
  • Listen to music
  • concert attendance
  • Rap


moestuin als hobby met chronische pijn
  • Vegetable garden
  • Plant care
  • Flower arranging
  • pet grooming
  • Horseback riding
  • Aquarium care
  • Bird watching
  • To walk the dog
  • Gardening


  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Medical fitness
  • Walking soccer
  • Tai Chi
  • Jeu de Boules
  • Yoga
  • billiards
  • Golf
  • Dancing
  • Aqua fitness
  • Fishing
  • Table tennis
  • Dynamic tennis
bewegen ondanks chronische pijn