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About Pain-Hope

Pain Hope is a patient organisation for and by people with chronic pain. The patient organisation focuses on people with any kind of pain. This can include pain for which there is no obvious cause. So anyone with chronic pain of any kind can join the Pain Hope Foundation.

The Pain Hope Foundation was founded in 1988 by five people with chronic pain.

Over the years, Pain Hope has developed into an important support and information point for people with chronic pain, as well as for many people working in healthcare.

pijn-hoop geeft hoop bij chronische pijn

Find out if we can support you and you support us?


You don't have to do it alone. Come in contact with others who understand what it is like to be in pain all the time, because they experience it themselves. Do it together! Pain Hope does just that by offering a listening ear through the telephone supportline and contact meetings.


Pijn-hoop geeft informatie over onderzoeken en regelingen door middel van het ‘Pijn-Hoop Magazine’ en biedt documentatie en boeken over chronische pijn en hoe daarmee om te gaan aan. Wij geven ook voorlichting via walk-in hours and minors on vocational colleges


We give tips and advice and share experiences at contact meetings and at the telephone supportline. We also teach you how to manage chronic pain through our various training coursesMany say, "If only I had known this earlier".

training cursus omgaan met chronische pijn

Our material

leven met chronische pijn
overleven met chronische pijn
folder over lotgenotencontact