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Vacature redacteur


Join us in writing the Newsletter!

Would you like to be more involved in the Newsletter and contribute writing? Gladly, we are looking for an additional editorial board member.
Together, I'm sure we'll figure out what your contribution can be. It's incredibly fun and interesting to do. Looking up articles, interviewing people, finding books that fit with Pain Hope, writing columns, etc.

With The Newsletter, we inform our members and other interested parties about relevant topics on chronic pain. Among other things, we do this with stories of experience, interviews with healthcare professionals, book reports, articles from other magazines and columns.

The Newsletter is published four times a year: in March, June, September and December; and is sent to our donors and relations.

Much of the work can be done from home. The editors interact with each other via e-mail or online meetings. We have a printing company which formats, prints and distributes the magazine.

Wil je incidenteel een bijdrage doen: graag!
The newsletter belongs to all of us. You are all experts by experience, you have your story, your knowledge, books that have helped and inspired you, videos on you-tube, you name it.

What do we offer you:

  • A fun, challenging position within a community organisation that puts its heart and soul into helping people with chronic pain and their loved ones.
  • You will contribute to supporting people dealing with chronic pain.
  • You will have a tangible final product in your hands every three months!
  • You will receive an expenses allowance.
  • 2x a year free of charge to an enjoyable 2-day meeting with all volunteers fully catered for at a care hotel.
  • You can take advantage of the course offer of PGOsupport To gain more knowledge or develop yourself.